
Topicality . Despite the rather large arsenal of antidiabetic drugs, the main goal of DM pharmacotherapy, aimed at reducing hyperglycemia and progress of diabetic vascular complications, still remains far from practical implementation. In this regard, the expansion of antidiabetic drugs spectrum due to natural biologically active substances is actual and promising. Aim. To study the antidiabetic action of phlomis pungens extract. Materials and methods. Trials were performed on 33 rats. Experimental diabetes was caused by a single intravenous alloxan injection at a dose of 70 mg/kg to females weighing 200-250 g. The extract of the Phlomis Pungens (PP) was injected once a day intragastrically at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg daily for three weeks prior to modeling of experimental diabetes, and for 30 days of the experiment. Control animals received water in a similar regime. Metformin was used as a reference preparation in a dose of 100 mg/kg. Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test was performed as follows: after night fasting (16-18 hours) rats intraperitoneally injected glucose solution at a dose of 3 g/kg in the morning. Results and discussion. Experimental diabetes was caused by a single intravenous alloxan injection at a dose of 70 mg/kg to females weighing 200-250 g. Basal glycemia was determined in dynamics: baseline level and after alloxan injection - at the 3rd (period of acute development of hyperglycemia), 1, 2 and 4 weeks of the trial. As a result of the trial it was established that the extract of the Phlomis Pungens (PPE) demonstrates a hypoglycemic effect in a dose of25 m 50 mg/kg for 4 weeks of the trial. The most pronounced hypoglycemic effect of PPE demonstrated by the end of the trial, i.e. at 4 weeks and significantly reduced the blood glucose level in comparison with the control pathology (CP) by 40 %. According to hypoglycemic activity, the extract of Phlomis Pungens in 2 doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg demonstrated almost the same effect and did not differ significantly between each other. Conclusions. The Phlomis Pungens Extract demonstrated a pronounced hypoglycemic effect against the background of exudate alloxan diabetes of moderate severity. Against the backdrop of a glucose load, the Phlomis Pungens extract reduces the level of basal glycemia by decreasing insulin resistance and exceeds the activity of metformin at a dose of 50 mg/kg.


  • Badalova Azerbaijan Medical UniversityAs a result of the trial it was established that the extract of the Phlomis Pungens (PPE) demonstrates a hypoglycemic effect in a dose of 25 m 50 mg/kg for 4 weeks of the trial

  • Diabetes mellitus is a global medical and social problem of the 21st century and ranks seventh among the leading causes of death in most countries of the world

  • The aim of this work that to study of antidiabetic action of extract of phlomis pungens

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Badalova Azerbaijan Medical University

As a result of the trial it was established that the extract of the Phlomis Pungens (PPE) demonstrates a hypoglycemic effect in a dose of 25 m 50 mg/kg for 4 weeks of the trial. На тлі глюкозного навантаження екстракт зопника колючого знижує рівень базальної глікемії за рахунок зниження інсулінорезистентності і перевищує за активністю метформін у дозі 50 мг/кг. Экстракт зопника колючего (ЭЗК) вводили один раз в день внутрижелудочно в дозах 25 и 50 мг/кг ежедневно на протяжении трех недель до моделирования экспериментального диабета и на протяжении 30 дней эксперимента. В результате эксперимента было установлено, что экстракт зопника колючего (ЭЗК) проявляет гипогликемическое действие в дозе 25 м 50 мг/кг на протяжении 4 недель эксперимента. На фоне глюкозной нагрузки экстракт зопника колючего снижает уровень базальной гликемии за счет снижения инсулинорезистентности и превышает по активности метформин в дозе 50 мг/кг.

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