
The constant growth of the level of integral mastery of players, which includes the comprehensive development of athletes, prompts specialists to search for and develop the latest training programs. The search for more perfect training programs and improvement of the training process at all stages of training a professional sports team.
 Volleyball is no exception, as in all team sports, without exception, the perfection of the construction of the training process, taking into account all the principles and methods of training highly qualified athletes, plays an important role here. Special attention is paid to small training cycles of athletes and the methodology of their construction, as a structural unit of a certain stage of training. It must be taken into account that training a highly qualified sports team is a continuous process. Therefore, it is important to clearly understand which of the stages the team is at, the general level of the players, the level of preparation of all components of the team as a whole and each individual player. Due to the rational selection of means and methods of the training process in each small cycle of the training of a sports team, it is possible to plan the necessary stage of training with maximum quality, correct it and make changes in a timely manner.

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