
Following a review of the literature, it has been found that participants of individual and team games exhibit various psychological characteristics. As a result, the researcher decided to compare the mental toughness of players in individual games and team games. The "independent sample t test" was used to determine the signicant differences between Individual Game and Team Game players and to test the hypotheses. The level of signicance was set at 0.05. Descriptive statistics were used to characterstic the Mental Toughness between Individual Game and Team Game Players. Using the purposeful sampling technique, 60 players who had represented LNIPE Gwalior and are between the ages of 18 and 25 were selected for the current study. Each of the two games, Individual Game and Team Game, had 30 players. The Dr. Goldberg Sports Psychological Inventory, developed in 1998, was used to examine the ve characteristics of mental toughness: reboundability, pressure handling, concentration, condence, and motivation. According to the study's ndings, team game players had a higher level of mental toughness than individual game players, with individual game players showing a substantial difference in mental toughness. The three mental toughness traits of handling pressure, concentration and condence, showed a substantial difference between Individual Game and Team Game participants, with Team Game players scoring higher in both. There was one trait where Individual Game Players scored higher than Team Game Players, namely reboundability, but this difference was not statistically signicant and motivation is same in team players and individual players. In individual sports, there is only one conceivable result—winning or losing—and there is never a tie, but in team sports, all three outcomes are possible, so there is less pressure on the Team Game players. As a result, we can infer that Team Game players are better at handling pressure. We can conclude by saying that because Team Game players performed well on most measures of mental toughness and because Team Game environments have a positive impact on people's mental toughness, it is clear from this study that Team Game players have higher mental toughness levels.

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