
The article is devoted to the importance of environment in forming the information culture of a pre-schooler. The author singles out the main components of the sociocultural environment and considers them as a complete system, based on the whole range of natural and social factors. The sociocultural environment of a child is represented as an especial space of life activity where there is a process of forming a personality, one’s perfection in interacting to adults and peers, natural and subject phenomena and cultural values. The creation of the proper environment promotes the productive interaction of a pre-schooler with the information which forms the definite worldview in his consciousness. The article substantiates the activity of sociocultural institutions, their complexity in developing of the information culture of pre-schoolers. The paper attends crucial importance to a family as a unique primary form of education of a child and represents the main forms of the work of a family in forming the bases of information culture of pre-schoolers. The article shows the leading role of a teacher as a model, a creator of "algorithm" of forming the information culture, and also as a founder of necessary conditions for the development of a child personality.

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