
We consider the relationship between size and depth for layered Boolean circuits and synchronous circuits. We show that every layered Boolean circuit of size s can be simulated by a layered Boolean circuit of depth O ( s log s ) . For synchronous circuits of size s, we obtain simulations of depth O ( s ) . The best known result so far was by Paterson and Valiant (1976) [17], and Dymond and Tompa (1985) [6], which holds for general Boolean circuits and states that D ( f ) = O ( C ( f ) / log C ( f ) ) , where C ( f ) and D ( f ) are the minimum size and depth, respectively, of Boolean circuits computing f. The proof of our main result uses an adaptive strategy based on the two-person pebble game introduced by Dymond and Tompa (1985) [6]. Improving any of our results by polylog factors would immediately improve the bounds for general circuits.

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