
Social media is unique of the best key people to create original social communication by modern information technology between, family, people and friends. Allah SWT who has produced all human being in the world; all thing of the world has been produced for human’s welfare, His purpose of beings was that all human being will worship Him, one of the most worships is to help another anyway, for example, It will benefit technologically in the present. This study aims to support the ethics of social media platforms in the Muslim community. Similarly how it is reused in building of Islam and social welfare. The review states that in the case of Da'wah, not all the Prophets used the same tools and techniques. Depending on the nature and context, they used different tools and techniques in Da'wah. In the age of modern science, when people are addicted to material goods, resources, and consumption, it is not easy to get them back to the invisible world, namely Deein and Aakherat. Thus modern IT equipment can be an effective tool for Islamic Da'wah. Social media sources like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Linkdln, Google+, Tumblr, Instagram, WhatsApp, IMO, Telegram, etc. are easy to use, smooth, fast communication, live streaming, live call and cheap in various forms of our lives from anywhere in the world where traditionally means old communication was slow but expensive. The study used a quality approach. It changed into used as a data collection device. Similarly, books, journals and online sources were used for research. Reporting on the discussion, social media has both positive and negative implications for our Muslim community apparently from a Muslim perspective. The paper concludes that the best use of the Muslim Society's social media is in the world

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