
Outlining personal value orientations and trying to respond dynamically to the demands of public life, modern scholars need to study the educational activities of scientists as representatives of certain historical periods and regions. The authors of the article highlight the role of scientists, physicians and natural scientists of the Slobozhanshchina in filling the information space with educational materials in the late 19th - beginning of 20th centuries. A holistic analysis of this role is made possible by revealing the essence of the concept of "information space", substantiating the importance of the activities of scientists in replenishing the information space with educational materials both during the study period and in the present period. The following research methods were selected: historical, retrospective, biographical methods; method of historical actualization. It is proposed to consider the information space as the dominant component of the space of culture during a certain historical period, which contributes to the substantiation of a certain picture of reality. Attention is drawn to the fact that specialized information space and information space of education should be considered as important components of the information space. Important areas of educational activity of representatives of the scientific community in the information space include: educational activities in the university space and beyond. It is stated that scientists of Imperial Kharkiv University, by enriching the information space with educational materials, made possible dialogue between generations of Slobozhanshchina residents and in general between representatives of different regions. The intellectual activity of scientists lost a purely elitist character and served the needs of enlightenment. It is recognized that it is useful to take into account the experience of the Kharkiv Literacy Society when creating centers of shared innovation space in the modern times. In the article it is proved that materials of Slobozhanshchina scientists concerning the importance of game activity, which were distributed in the information space of education during the studied period, can be useful in the process of gamification of education in the present period.

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