
In contemporary Russia, in the conditions of polyethnicity and multiculturalism, it becomes necessary to form civil and ethnic identities of its citizens. This problem is becoming one of the main directions of the state social policy of the Russian Federation, as there is an active migration within the country, which causes the relocation of Russian citizens from their native region. This circumstance prompted the authors of the article to turn to this topic. In the article, the authors reveal the importance of preserving the identity of the indigenous peoples of Altai (Altaians, Telengites, Tubalars, Kumandins and Chelkans) in the conditions of a large metropolis. They also present the historical facts of preserving their ethnic identity, emphasizing the importance for these peoples of obtaining a new status for their ancestral territory of residence in the 90s and being allocated to the national republic as part of the Russian Federation. They reveal the role of ethnic public organizations in the preservation and development of the culture, traditions and language of the Altai peoples, using the example of the activities of the NROO "TSKN "Tuulu Altai", as well as the formation of ethnic and civil identity in a multicultural society. The purpose of the article is a historical description (way of life, places of traditional residence, etc.) of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Altai and a description of the role and activities of the non-profit public organization "Tuulu Altai Cultural Heritage Center "for the formation of ethnic and civil identity among the representatives of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Armenia. The scientific novelty of the provisions proposed in the article is to identify the features of the formation of ethnic and civil identity of representatives of the indigenous peoples of the Altai Republic living in Novosibirsk. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the materials of the article in organizing the activities of non-profit public organizations for the formation of ethnic and civic identity among young people.


  • In contemporary Russia, in the conditions of polyethnicity and multiculturalism, it becomes necessary to form civil and ethnic identities of its citizens. This problem is becoming one of the main directions of the state social policy of the Russian Federation, as there is an active migration within the country, which causes the relocation of Russian citizens from their native region

  • The authors reveal the importance of preserving the identity of the indigenous peoples of Altai (Altaians, Telengites, Tubalars, Kumandins and Chelkans) in the conditions of a large metropolis

  • They present the historical facts of preserving their ethnic identity, emphasizing the importance for these peoples of obtaining a new status for their ancestral territory of residence in the 90s and being allocated to the national republic as part of the Russian Federation

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In contemporary Russia, in the conditions of polyethnicity and multiculturalism, it becomes necessary to form civil and ethnic identities of its citizens. Авторы раскрывают важность сохранения самобытности коренных народов Алтая (алтайцы, теленгиты, тубалары, кумандинцы и челканцы) в условиях мегаполиса. Раскрывается роль этнических общественных организаций в сохранении и развитии культуры, традиций и языка народов Алтая на примере деятельности НРОО «ЦКН „Туулу Алтай“», а также в формировании этнической и гражданской идентичности в условиях поликультурного общества.

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