
The scientific article systematizes the ideas about the process of the formation of ethnic identity of the population in Samara and Samara region. For this purpose, the concept of “ethnic identity” was analyzed, materials were compared and conclusions of published researches on the problem of the formation and development of ethnic identity of Samara and Samara region population, including cultural-historical, external-attribute, confessional and linguistic aspects were critically analyzed. The author’s definition of ethnic identity as a dynamic and multidimensional formation, which characterizes the feeling (implicit component) and awareness (explicit component) of a person as a member of a particular ethnic group/community, formed in the framework of the socio-psychological approach, was taken as a theoretical basis of the study. Conclusions about the specificity of the process of the formation of ethnic identity in the population of Samara and Samara region are made. It has been established that Samara region and the city of Samara represent a kind of “ideal” region to study the process of harmonious and tolerant formation of ethnic identity in a multi-ethnic external environment: with high ethnic diversity (“local” consider themselves 11 ethnicities at once) in a relatively small territory (0.31 % of the country) a high level of true tolerance as the ability and willingness to accept others in all their diversity is observed. It is determined that an important contribution to the development of ethnic identity is made by pedagogical activities in the region. The results obtained are of high significance as they allow to form a holistic view of the process and the result of the formation of ethnic identity of the population of Samara and Samara region taking into account the specifics of the region and ethnic groups and communities living on its territory, as well as the pedagogical conditions for the formation of ethnic identity created in the region. The prospects for further research into the socio-psychological determinants of the formation of ethnic identity of the population of the Middle Volga region are also outlined.

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