
The development of higher education, professional training of highly qualified future specialists necessitates the use of various forms, methods, and means of organizing the educational process.Today, questions about the peculiarities of university museum complexes, their specific features, as well as how their involvement in the educational process will contribute to the improvement of the professional training of specialists, are gaining relevance and cause considerable interest, since there are very few significant works and studies in this field.In the context of the integration of the educational process and museum activities, the issues of museum pedagogy as a separate interdisciplinary direction of research are becoming more and more relevant.The article reveals the role of museums of higher education institutions as a unique scientific and educational space in the professional training system.The author highlighted the activities of the Museum of History of Kherson State University – a structural unit where educational classes, research projects, meetings of scientific schools are held, scientific research is underway to research new unknown pages, study the history of each faculty.At the Kherson State University, the museum is a structural unit where educational classes, research projects, meetings of scientific schools are conducted, scientific research is underway to research new unknown pages, and study the history of each faculty. Many forms of work have become traditional for preparing young scientists: the annual summary of the student project «From student to professor», «Science schools of the university in the professional self-determined specialist».
 Postgraduate students studying the history of pedagogy take an active part in the work of the Center for Regional Historical and Pedagogical Research. Also, the museum and archive center is successfully used in the study of individual educational modules of the disciplines «Introduction to the profession», «Management in education», «History of pedagogy», «Pedagogy and psychology of higher education».It was found that the museums of educational institutions are a unique scientific and educational space that expands the possibilities of high-quality professional training of future specialists using modern information technologies. The specified aspects are promising for further scientific research and practical activities of museums of higher education institutions in the system of professional training.

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