
The current topic on the role of the antonyms in the Bulgarian language training of dental medicine students is based on observations conducted in three groups in the specialty, first and second years respectively. When communicating with Bulgarian patients students have to use words of the opposite meaning, to specify a particular problem in determining the dental status of the patient. The choice of antonyms is mandatory for determining the degree of sensations, sensitivity of the tooth to hot or cold, sensations during the mastication of solid or soft food, treated and untreated caries, in necrotic or vital teeth, sharp or dull pain, in an intact or broken filling, in slow or fast chewing of food, and many others. We present the results of the survey, analyzing them and offering guidelines for future research in the field of antonymy and synonymy in the Bulgarian language. In the course of the study, we are reviewing the idea of opposition with the ancient philosophers, referring to Heraclitus, Pythagoras and Hegel, and more precisely the concept of the opposite, as an expression of duality. We also refer to the views of modern linguists who explore and classify antonyms. In the Bulgarian language learning process, we consider the partial opposition of the lexemes by showing examples from the practice of dental students. In part, we also consider incomplete (near) antonyms, the use of which is also found in students' work. We draw attention to distinguishing the role of antonyms in artistic literature and in scientific styles. We investigate the use of antonyms in the determination of temporal and spatial relations, indicating a common seme. Of course, not every concept or phenomenon has a precise antonym. We point out examples in which the use of one lexeme in an anonymous pair calls for the opposite. We note that the same opposing couple breaks their semantics into different linguistic situations. The present work is abundant with examples from the "Bulgarian language textbook for foreign students" 2018, which is used in the direct work of Bulgarian language teachers for training in the second year when introducing specialized texts on dental medicine A semantic analysis of the examples is made, indicating the degree of opposition in the respective antonymous pair. The aim of the study is to assist students in their practice with Bulgarian patients, especially when working with children, as the antonyms play a significant role in determining the dental status and the history of patients.

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