
Introduction: COVID 19 disease is caused by SARS CoV-2, which is a highly contagious disease. The world Health Organisation has pronounced the ongoing outbreak of virus as a global public Health Emergency. This study was conducted to asses the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Dental students and Dental practitioners about COVID 19 precaution. Materials and Method: An online questionnaires were shared among Dental Students and Dental Practitioners using a combination of convenience and snowball sampling.The questionnaires consists of 4 sections. 1st section includes demo-graphic details of participants, whereas the 2nd,3rd and 4th sections contains questioners related to knowledge (5 questions), attitude(5 questions) and practices (5 questions).The analysis was done by IBM SPSS for windows,v.20.0.chi square test was done and statistical significance level is p<0.05. Result: The total number of the feedback collected was 300 among the dental students and dental practitioner. The overall achieved knowledge, attitude, practices of dental students were relatively less compared to dental practitioners which shows necessary training for undergraduate students Conclusion: The knowledge, attitude and practice of dental students is less when compared to the dental practitioner. Overall attention towards undergraduate training is imminent so as to mitigate the risk of transmission of disease among dental students. As they are the future health care workers and also act as role model for the community, imparting adequate training plays crucial role in resilience of frontline workers. © 2021, SciDoc Publishers. All rights reserved.

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