
In the process of scientific research the methodological tools of research of development of Roman-Irish traditions in the European system of education of the Middle Ages in unity of historical-pedagogical, biographical, anthropological, axiological, adaptive, ethnofunctional, microstructural, integral, quantitative, qualitative (qualitative), multiple structural-functional, hermeneutic, culturological approaches.Thanks to the application of a historical-pedagogical approach it was determined how Alcuin of York transmitted the experience of Irish monastic schools in the Charlemagne’s Empire, and later how Pierre Abelard used the Alcuin’s experience in shaping the Parisian educational system.The biographical approach allowed revealing the mental model of a particular figure behavior of the Carolingian Renaissance or a university professor, his contribution to European medieval culture. An anthropological approach was used to elucidate the innovations that Alcuin of York introduced into the school monastic system at times of the Carolingian Renaissance and to comprehend school reform the Charlemagne’s Empire.The axiological approach was used in the study of the Alcuin of York students’ epistolary heritage, the descendants of his scholarly school tradition.The application of the adaptive approach allowed identifying the specifics of evolutionary values in the learning process, the gradual reassessment of values, adaptation to the dynamically changing conditions of knowledge transfer in schools and universities of the early and classical Middle Ages.Applying an ethno-functional approach reveals how students perceived learning in unified Latin and whether they had a desire to communicate with each other in the language of their country and their own ancestors.Through the application of the microstructural approach, the patterns of perception and memorization of information, the performance of complex mathematical and logical operations in solving a mathematical problem, methods of mechanical reproduction and the ability to think logically were established.A holistic approach has confirmed the opinion of previous researchers that the “Carolingian tradition”, based on the Roman-Irish scientific heritage, became the “foundation” for a European university, because what remained in mainland Europe after the destruction of the Ostrogothic kingdom and the Arab conquest was not enough. The quantitative approach use enabled clarifying the accessibility and consistency of tasks in Alcuin York’s teaching system and his followers, as well as the relationship between faith and the value of knowledge.The qualitative approach use allowed identifying those components that have been traced for several centuries after the Carolingian Renaissance, including the system of encouragement and punishment, the method of syllogism, and recognition of the quadrivium complexity before the trivium, etc.Given that the educational system of Alcuin of York and his university successors provided for the consideration of each phenomenon outside of any one discipline, it was advisable to use a multidisciplinary (trans-disciplinary) approach. Due to the use of structural-functional approach in it was analyzed the university-school education system in all its components (purpose, content, means, as well as process, structure, connections, functions) and identified what was common, different, or special in it.The hermeneutic approach use allowed identifying the foundations of the Hiberno-Roman scientific tradition in the university-school system of the Middle Ages, helped to highly appreciate it.The culturological approach presupposed the identification of the conditions for human self-determination, self-creation and self-realization in the culture, education, upbringing and “scientific tradition” of the outlined epoch.

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