
Background: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social health, not merely free from disease or disability related to the reproductive system, function and process. Knowledge of reproductive health for teenagers is very important, this aims to provide prevention and self-protection from risky sexual behavior and other risky behavior that can affect reproductive health and prepare teenagers to live a healthy and responsible reproductive life. Purpose of writing: to determine "The relationship between knowledge and attitudes regarding reproductive health and pre-marital sexual behavior among STIKes Abdi Nusantara Jakarta students". Research Method: This research design uses a cross sectional approach. With a sample collection technique using a questionnaire using the total sampling technique. The analysis used in this research was univariate and bivariate and used the chi-square test. With a total sample of 50 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: There is no significant relationship between the level of knowledge about reproductive health and premarital sexual behavior among STIKes Abdi Nusantara students in 2023 (p=0.94). There is no significant relationship between attitudes about reproductive health and premarital sexual behavior among STIKes Abdi Nusantara students (p=0.87). Conclusions: There is no relationship between knowledge and premarital sexual behavior among Stikes Abdi Nusantara students and there is no relationship between attitudes about reproductive health and premarital sexual behavior among STIKes Abdi Nusantara students.

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