
Background : According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in Sulistyorini's research (2017), the incidence of dysmenorrhea is quite high throughout the world. The average incidence of dysmenorrhea in young women is between 16.8-181%. On average in European countries dysmenorrhea occurs in 45-97% of women. with the lowest prevalence in Bulgaria (8.8%) and the highest at 94% in Finland. The highest prevalence of dysmenorrhea is often found in adolescent girls, which is estimated to be between 20-90%. About 15% of adolescents are reported to experience severe dysmenorrhea.Objective: To obtain or find out information about the relationship of lifestyle with the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea in Nursing Undergraduate Study Program students at Stikes Abdi Nusantara for the period of July 2020.Method: The research design used was analytical research with cross sectional approach, the samples in this study were all female students of Nursing Study Program at Stikes Abdi Nusantara Jakarta.Results: Respondents with primary dysmenorrhea were 91.5%, respondents who said stress were 27.1%. Respondents with high fast food consumption were 83.6%. Respondents with passive smoking were 47.5%. Statistical results between primary dysmenorrhea and incidence of stress (p = 0.73 and OR 0.6), fast food consumption (p = 0.027 and OR = 4.029), and passive smoking (p = 0.247 and OR = 1.904). Conclusions and suggestions: There is no relationship between stress and passive smoking with the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea. There is a relationship between fast food consumption and the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea in S1 nursing study program students at Stikes Abdi Nusantara Jakarta. It is recommended that nursing undergraduate students avoid unhealthy lifestyles such as reducing consumption of fast food in order to reduce the risk of primary dysmenorrhea.

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