
This study examined the relationship among four dimensions of emotional intelligence (EI) as predictor variables vis-à-vis five dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and in-role behaviour (IRB) as criterion variables. Sample constituted of 250 superior–subordinate dyads working on technical and non-technical jobs in power plants in India. Canonical correlation analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis have been applied to investigate the relationship between the two sets of variables. Demographic variables have been controlled, to find the unique variance in the prediction of criterion variables. Significant relationship was found between emotional intelligence dimensions and outcome variables with Rc = 0.569. Among the outcome variables, sportsmanship had the highest canonical loading and IRB had the lowest canonical loading. Canonical loadings for predictor canonical variate were highest for utilization of emotion and lowest for perception of emotion. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to validate the results obtained through canonical correlation analysis by removing individual independent variable at a time. The results showed little difference, indicating stability of the results. Overall the results established significant relationship among the predictor and criterion variables. However, the dimensions of EI were better in predicting OCB dimensions as compared to IRB of the respondents.

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