
One of the common grounds of religious and gnostic texts is the presence of “apocalypse or revelation”. The presence of apocalypse in the course of religious, gnostic, epic and myth of various nations’ texts is an indication of the profound presence and unique role of supernatural elements in creating the inseparable unions among old religious, gnostic and mythological works. The similarities of world’s saint texts such as; the Old and New testaments, the creative mystical and gnostic works (like Masnavi by Molana, the poems of Shah Nemat-Allah Vali and even in Sohrab Sepehri’s poems, and also in Zoroastrian’s religious-mythological books, the epic texts of Shahname, Iliad and Odyssey etc.) in paying the similar attention to future events and sometimes past-based events is the sign of these commonalities or structural similarities. Due to the vital role of this element in creating the dynamism and stability of creative works, the authors of this descriptive-analytic research aim to carry out apocalypse from myth to epic meticulously. The research results indicate that attention paid to various kinds of apocalyptic epic texts reveals the mythological ranks of epic texts more than before. With this in mind, the more we get closer from mythological era to epic myth, the metaphysical elements such as fateful revelation get a more logical and abstract tinge.


  • ‫ُویي ؽیَٞ ر‪٦‬جیو کوك.‬ ‫‪ -6-9‬فْاة ّ هئیبُبی آپْکبلیپَی كه هزْى اٍْٞهٍای- ؽوبٍی ایواى ّ ‪٩‬وة‬ ‫كه ایلیبك فْاة ًٲْی هِن كه ا‪ِ١‬به ه٪یجبد كاهك؛ هبًٌل ایي هئیبی ّْم كه فدْاة‬ ‫آگبهوٌْى: «ای آگبهوٌْى ىئٍْی کَ اى كّه ُوْاهٍ كهثبهح رْ ًگواى ّ كلَدْى اٍدذ، اى‬ ‫رْ هیفْاُل کَ ُوخ هوكم كلاّه آفبئی ها ىّك ثَ ثوكاّدزي ٍدلاػ ثقدْاًی، ٌُگدبم آى‬

  • ‫پیِگْیی ّ پٌگْیی ثبّل ثبى ُن هكّ پبی فلایبى هِْْك اٍذ.‬ ‫كه کزبة ثِْذ گوْلٍ، هْعْكی ثَیبه ‪٥‬غیت ّ هدبهپیکو ّعدْك كاهك کدَ ثدوای‬ ‫ّیٞبى پٌگْیی هیکٌل: «كه هیبى عو‪٦‬ی ؽْٚه كاّزی ّ ثدب هْدبُلح ٍدو ا٭یدًْی کدَ‬

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‫هئیب كه پٌلاه اٍدبٝیو ثوىفدی هیدبى ‪٥‬دبلن ّدِْك ّ ‪٩‬یدت اٍدذ.‪ٍ(‬دوّاهی، ‪،6939‬‬ ‫ٓ‪ )224‬فْاة ّ هئیب یکی اى ثَزوُبی هِوّی اٍذ کَ اًَبى كه آى ثب ‪٥‬دْالن ‪٩‬یجدی ّ‬ ‫‪٩‬یوهبكّی آٌّب هیّْك ّ چَ ثَب كه ُویي رٮوّط كه ‪٥‬بلن ًبفْكآگبُی ثزْاًل ثدب ؽدْاكصی‬ ‫کَ كه آیٌلٍ پیِ هّ كاهك آٌّب ثْْك.

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