
The Radiological Society of North America, Inc., will hold its Fifty-eighth Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting at the Palmer House in Chicago, Ill., from Sunday, Nov. 26, 1972, to Friday, Dec. 1, 1972. All members received blue hotel reservation forms in the Jan. 31, 1972, mailing from the Secretary, Dr. Hillier L. Baker, Jr. Those planning to attend the meeting are urged to make early reservations in the hotel of their choice. The entire Palmer House is reserved for the Society, whose members will receive preference if the blue forms are mailed early. All reservations are made through the Palmer House. Additional rooms at the Pick-Congress will be assigned when all space is filled in the Palmer House. Milton Elkin, M.D., General Chairman of the Program Committee, and the Program Subcommittees have selected an interesting group of papers covering the entire field of radiology. The preliminary program will be printed in the October issue of Radiology. This year the Refresher Course Committee, under the direction of its new Chairman, Luther W. Brady, M.D., presents its program on pages 447–469 of this issue. The new procedure for advance registration used in 1971 made possible the assignment of courses to more people in less time than was ever accomplished before. You are again urged to register early, if you can, since it will help the Committee in arranging many fine courses and assign them to rooms of the proper size. The Scientific Exhibits Committee, Henry P. Pendergrass, M.D., Chairman, will locate the exhibits on the seventh floor of the Palmer House. They will be sectionalized and color-coded for the viewer's ease in finding the exhibit of his primary interest. Exhibit hours have been extended to add time for study and photography. The Technical Exhibits Committee, Howard C. Burkhead, M.D., Chairman, will present an extensive exhibition of the newest in radiological equipment and ancillary products. The Audio-Visual Aids Committee, Raymond Gramiak, M.D., Chairman, continues to further develop and expand the number of materials presented at this meeting which can be purchased for home use. The Committee works in close liaison with the Program, the Refresher Course, and the Scientific Exhibits Committees in the effort to find new ways to enhance the meeting's scientific presentations. Joseph P. Whalen, M.D., of New York, the New Horizons for Radiology Lecturer, was selected by the Trustees of the Memorial Fund under the leadership of their new chairman, Laurence L. Robbins, M.D. The Annual Oration for 1972 will be presented by Donald S. Childs, Jr., M.D., in memory of Edwin C. Ernst, M.D., President of the Society in 1928. At the time of his death in 1969, Dr. Ernst was the last surviving charter member of the Society. He had been awarded its Gold Medal in 1936.

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