
Counting varieties and forms this makes fifty-three different ferns we have listed in the higher Adirondacks. To them should be added from the lower mountains near Willsboro, Botrychium simplex, Woodsia obtusa, and Asplenium trichomanes. This latter fern I also found in fair abundance in the woods on Split Rock Mountains which abuts into Lake Champlain. We have also found in the Keene Valley section the following Fern Allies: Equisetum hyemale; E. sylvaticum; E. arvense; E. arvense forma pseudosylvaticum; E. scirpoides; Lycopodium annotinum; L. complanatulm; L. complanatum Chamaecyparissus; L. lucidulum; L. clavatum; L. obscurum; L. alpinum; L. sitchense: and Selaginella rupestris.

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