The article is devoted to the analysis of relics of the forest cenoflora occurred in the eastern part of the North Caucasus. Using the methods of morphological-ecological-geographical, florogenetic analysis and synthesis, etc., we analyzed the results of field observations and herbarium funds available in the region, and also scientific publications. The species composition of relics was revealed, their territorial distribution in forest communities, their origin, and florogenetic relationships were determined. The purpose of the analysis is to establish the geographical origin of relict species. In the studied flora, two types of relics were identified-tertiary and glacial, their importance for solving florogenetic issues is noted. The presence of relics of different geographic origin in forest cenoflora is explained by the consequences of migration processes that have taken place since the middle of the Tertiary period, which led to the movement of floristic complexes from the northern territories, from Transcaucasia and the adjacent parts of Asia Minor and Western Asia. Many relict species (Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh.ex Schrank & Mart., Lycopodium annotinum L, Selaginella helvetica (L.) Spring, Equisetum hyemale L., Polypodium vulgare L., Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newman, Polystichym braunii (Spenn.) Fee, Taxus baccata L., Actaea spicata L) have rather extensive ranges in the Caucasus, and in general, their relictness is determined by the insular position of forests in this area.
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