
The article considers the problem of studying the development of consciousness of a teacher of higher education institutions, because consciousness, in general, is not only fundamental but also a limiting concept in the system of psychological concepts. The process of development of consciousness of high school teachers who directly form the personality of future specialists as leaders of any society is clarified. The theoretical structure of consciousness is studied, which includes such components as cognitive, reflexive, value-semantic, orientational, which are in close interaction and give the individual a holistic reflection of objective reality and affect the socio-psychological level of its development. These components function in the mind as a whole. Therefore, the authors consider the content of the consciousness of the teacher's personality as a specific form of subjective reflection of objective reality, in which he is included and which affects his actions and states. The authors emphasize that in this aspect we should pay attention to such key functions of consciousness as reflective, generative (creative, creative), regulatory and evaluative, reflective, spiritual, and socio-cultural.
 Attention is paid to self-consciousness as a special form of consciousness that reflects the level of development of consciousness. It is proved that self-awareness determines the level of self-organization of the individual, the principles of his behavioral self-regulation, self-construction, and self-affirmation. The authors determine the conditions for the functioning and development of teachers' consciousness and their self-consciousness. This is because the activities of higher education teachers have a high level of social significance, as society assigns him two important and interrelated tasks: preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage of society; socialization of the individual at the stage of its professional formation.

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