
the article presents a personal approach to the study of legal consciousness. Legal consciousness develops in accordance with the stages of age development in stages, in the following sequence: undifferentiated moral and legal ideas, legal ideas, basic legal concepts, scientific concepts. Legal consciousness is considered from the psychological point of view in the context of the development of a positive attitude to the law not only through the interiorization of legal knowledge, but also through reflection and anticipation. Reflection determines the awareness of the right, allows you to select from the socio-cultural space of the values and meanings of the right, available for perception and understanding of the individual at different age stages. Anticipation allows you to build a generalized image of the world in the legal reality, to predict the necessary-transformation to achieve the ability to realize the right to interiorservice knowledge of law and practice in good behavior. The psychological mechanism of functioning of legal consciousness is social learning reflection and anticipation in the analysis of the legal reality of the student in the education system. Legal consciousness develops as a realistic view of not only the acquisition of legal knowledge, and in the process of social learning, reflection and analysis of personality legal reality, decentration and understanding of the legal field of other people, and based on them build in the process of anticipation of the image of "I – legal person". For the correct process of social learning is necessary purposeful work in the educational environment, starting with primary school age. The study shows that the teaching of legal concepts is quite productive in the educational environment and the cognitive component of legal consciousness is activated at a high level. However, for a positive attitude to the right of the individual and the development of the need for lawful behavior, it is necessary to use the evaluative, moral, creative and regulatory components of legal consciousness. This study revealed significant differences in the influence of external and internal factors on the development of legal consciousness of the younger student. Childhood is the most sensitive period for the beginning of the development of legal consciousness. Legal consciousness of personality of Junior schoolboy is the sphere of individual consciousness, reflects the surrounding reality in the process analysis and mapping of phenomena and events of life with the basic ideas and initial concepts on the law, generating a personal relationship to the events through the prism of perception that lead the consciousness on the fulfillment of legal norms and regulating the child's behavior. In adolescence, legal nihilism appears under unfavorable conditions of development. Types of legal consciousness of a Mature person are: legal realism, legal infantilism, legal nihilism, legal indifference.

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