
The article is devoted to the principles of non-violent communication, which are the basis of social interaction in a co-dependent family. The availability of psychological violence forms in such families is reinforced by another psychological peculiarity — the co-dependence. The co-dependence can be characterized as self-destructive behavior, which is based on psychological violence and the noncompliance of the upbringing and family interaction principles. The content of the principles of non-violent communication in social work with co-dependent families is to learn of effective communication co-dependent, that is the basis of harmonious interaction in the family. The peculiarity of the implementation the principles of non-violent communication is the development of several communicative skills: a) verbal expression of co-dependent family members feelings; b) the ability to hear and understand another; c) to identify the needs of co-dependent in social interaction. In the activity of a social worker with co-dependent families, a four-stage model of the teaching the principles of non-violent communication is used, which can be conditionally defined on the following signs: the description of the conflict situation, the expression of feelings by each member of the family, the verbalization of the spouses needs, the formulation of the request to satisfy the family members needs. The principles of non-violent communication help to overcome the problem of gender violence, to find a way for both women and men to realize themselves in the family as parents and individuals at the same time, not referring to unconstructive and discriminative forms of communication. The methodical recommendations which allow to realize the principles of non-violent communication in the work of a social worker with co-dependent families are given. The teaching the principles of non-violent communication will promote harmonization of family relations, the correction and the prevention of psychological violence in co-dependent families, the education of independent person with an active self-expressed position and conscious behavior.

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