
The system of modern social work is influenced by the laws of functioning in conditions of market competition. Actual is the search for innovative approaches to the functioning and development of modern social work.Marketing of social work is a system for managing the market activity of social institutions. Of particular importance is marketing in the context of reforming the social sphere, when funding focuses on targeted assistance — meeting the social needs of specific citizens, and not for the maintenance of budget institutions.The application of marketing activities in social work creates conditions for more satisfactory satisfaction of differentiated needs of clients in social support and social security, for rational allocation of limited resources of the state in the system of social security and social protection of the population.Application of marketing technology in social work involves external and internal marketing support, the main indicator of which is the social effect, aimed at providing quality services to individual groups of the population. Marketing of social work deals with solving three issues: belief, social practice and social product.A special place in marketing activities in social work belongs to sponsorship and charity. The final goal of effective fundraising as a marketing technology is to establish long-term partnerships with individuals and organizations that provide assistance.The marketing tool used to promote social norms, values, behavior patterns, knowledge is marketing communications, namely, social advertising.The strategic goal of the efforts of PP technologies is to raise awareness among the public of the activities of organizations and professionals involved in social work, establishing media relations and raising funds for project implementation.The introduction of marketing in the practice of social institutions provides a perspective for their further modernization. The system of marketing information allows to plan and implement state policy in the field of social work in market conditions; to explore and develop methods for promoting social services to consumers and ensuring a high status of the institution of social work in society.

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