
The article raises the actual issue of the practice-oriented orientation of journalism education in Ukraine in the conditions of the technologicalization of the global information and communication space, the rapid development of super-modern means and tools of communication, informational, semantic and psychological wars. As a response to the challenges of the modern media space, the in-depth integration of theoretical and practical educational components of the educational process, the development of new forms of interaction between higher education institutions that train journalist personnel and media organizations as bases of practical training are considered. The object of the study is the educational and professional training of journalists, the subject is the practice-oriented component of the training of journalist personnel, aimed at social values, the formation of a socially responsible journalist. The purpose of scientific and practical research is the development and testing of an integrated practiceoriented component (IPOС) of the educational and professional training of journalists, aimed at combining the theoretical foundations of the profession with the acquisition of practical knowledge and skills through the interaction of a higher education institution and a practice base. The article presents the intermediate results of the approbation of the practice-oriented component of the educational and professional training of journalists. It is about the development and introduction into the educational process of an integrated study programm (ISP) for students of the second (master’s) level of higher education, which combines theoretical and practical components of mastering the subject and is implemented in the educational and professional collaboration of the Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University and JSC «Public Broadcasting company of Ukraine». Features and stages of approbation of an integrated curriculum in a real educational environment are described. The results of observations, analysis, surveys, practical actions and the corresponding justification and interpretation are presented. Attention was drawn to the positive results of inclusion in this process the students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education. A conclusion was made about the need for further improvement of the integrated practice-oriented component, and in particular in the direction of integration with other professional disciplines and educational and production practices. The obtained results are of practical value for methodically ensuring the implementation of an integrated practice-oriented component in the system of educational and professional training of journalists.

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