
The relevance of the material presented in the paper is due to the need for further development of information and communication technologies in education and the formation of pedagogical research of a single conceptual and terminological apparatus in the respective area. The paper highlights the concept of “distance education”, provides a justification of the teacher’s need to master specific methods and forms, the development of new methods, taking full advantage of all those opportunities provided by modern distance learning technologies. It is noted that the analysis of recent research and publications carried out by the authors demonstrates the lack of scientific and theoretical support required for the organization of distance learning education in HEI, as well as the need to study its capabilities in the formation of new methodological forms and methods of teaching students. In modern Ukrainian higher education, the priority of designing and developing a new expanded, ICT-rich, variable information educational environment is argued. The differences of distance learning from the traditional form of education are considered. It is noted that the model of distance learning must consist of six blocks: motivational, instructional, informational, control, communicative and advisory. Didactic possibilities of modern distance education in the organization of the educational process in comparison with the traditional educational methods are analyzed. Attention is drawn to the differences between the methods of synchronous (on-line) and asynchronous (off-line) learning. New organizational and methodological forms, which are being actively introduced into the educational process offered by distance learning, namely: forum, blog, chat, video conference, webinar, web-quest, etc. are considered. It is concluded that the effectiveness of any organizational and methodological form of distance learning depends on the degree of interaction between the teacher and the taught, the effectiveness of the developed methodological materials, and the feedback effectiveness.


  • The paper highlights the concept of “distance education”, provides a justification of the teacher’s need to master specific methods and forms, the development of new methods, taking full advantage of all those opportunities provided by modern distance learning technologies

  • It is noted that the analysis of recent research and publications carried out by the authors demonstrates the lack of scientific and theoretical support required for the organization of distance learning education in HEI, as well as the need to study its capabilities in the formation of new methodological forms and methods of teaching students

  • The differences of distance learning from the traditional form of education are considered

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THE POTENTIAL OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN THE FORMATION OF NEW EDUCATIONAL PROCESS METHODOLOGICAL FORMS Аналіз практики розробки та впровадження дистанційного навчання у вищій школі України дає змогу стверджувати, що більшість закладів вищої освіти накопичили позитивний досвід використання дистанційних технологій у процесі професійної підготовки студентів. Що неефективне використання потенціалу дистанційних освітніх технологій може бути пов’язане як з недостатнім ресурсним забезпеченням, так і з певним консерватизмом значної частини професорсько-викладацького складу по відношенню до сучасних форм і методів навчання, а також відсутністю в них необхідної для роботи у системі дистанційної освіти попередньої підготовки.

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