
Raising of problem. The study of the creativity of masters of architecture of the late XX − early XXI centuries, as a rule, occurs in line with the consideration of the characteristic features inherent in one or another author. Most of the scientific works state that the structure belongs to a certain trend, direction, style. But the choice of artistic means by the architect remains unclear, which is reflected in the discrepancy between the figurative solution and the purpose of the building in the perception of the consumer. Therefore, it is relevant to consider the creativity of architects, in whose works artistic and semantic characteristics acquire an organic fusion. Among such masters is Daniel Libeskind, who made the complex language of deconstructivism the only one possible for his architectural work. The article is devoted to the consideration of the origins of the artistic language of the outstanding architect on the example of his museum projects, which constitute a significant part of his work. Purpose is to analyze the characteristic features of the artistic language of Daniel Libeskind on the example of museum projects. The research was carried out on the material of the master's works dedicated to the national tragedy of the Jewish people − the war and the Holocaust. Conclusion. The circumstances of Daniel Libeskind’s personal life, as well as his passion for philosophy and music, had a great influence on his work. The Libeskind’s artistic language is very individual: within the framework of one project, he combines dissonance and harmony, the tragedy of war and the desire for a peaceful life. The compositional means the architect uses to embody these categories are: asymmetry, contradictory combinations of volumes and spaces, virtuoso interweaving of lines and planes. The artistic language of all Libeskind’s museum buildings has similarities that can be traced in each project, namely broken, non-parallel lines, pointed forms, invasions, contrast and script.


  • Most of the scientific works state that the structure belongs to a certain trend

  • which is reflected in the discrepancy between the figurative solution

  • relevant to consider the creativity of architects

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Перший реалізований проект архітектора − музей Фелікса Нуссбаума (Felix Nussbaum Haus, Osnabrück, Germany, 1998) в німецькому містечку Оснабрюк, являє собою розширення Музею історії та культури та Музею повсякденного життя містян. Будівля нового музею – це прибудова до історичного ансамблю кінця ХІХ сторіччя, яка складається із трьох взаємозв’язаних об’ємів, кожен з яких присвячений різним етапам життя Нуссбаума. Третій − цинковий міст − демонструє недавно виявлені роботи Нуссбаума та з’єднує нову і стару будівлі музею [2].

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