
The purpose of the article is to study the artistic traditions and conceptual innovations in the works of Ukrainian artists of the XX-XXI centuries. In contemporary Ukrainian art, figurative language is produced simultaneously with the renewal of public consciousness and in certain aspects directly contributes to its formation. Figurative imagery using Ukrainian artists of this cultural period is not only the result solely of sensory experience, they also absorb the institutionalization of social experience that allows them to reflect different levels of reality. The methodology is the cultural-semiotic analysis of the forms of manifestation of visualization of modern art culture. The application of a systematic approach allowed us to study semiotic systems that contribute to the comprehensive disclosure of the problem of the semantics of modern forms of visualization. The integrative approach has enabled research in new forms of visualization of modern artistic language, which combines informational and aesthetic functions. Due to the revealed changes, traditional images are visualized with the help of a new artistic language, which does not correspond to the traditional meanings of the artistic image. The scientific novelty of the work lies in understanding the metaphysics of postmodern figurative art in contemporary Ukrainian art. A characteristic feature of the development of modern culture is the rapid social transformation, covering all areas of human activity. For the structure of art, the nature of which is due to constant change and renewal, the problem of the relationship between tradition and innovation is important. Thus, contemporary artists in their figurative, non-figurative and conceptual practices use the memory of artistic culture and artistic traditions as a mediator between the past and the present. Ukrainian art practitioners build a multiple and diverse artistic and image system based on the mechanism of interaction of traditions and innovations, involvement in the creative process of specific stylistic combinations of past and present, and reflection on cultural realities. Conclusions. Ukrainian culture is being revived in the following main directions: the process of self-consciousness and the formation of national historical memory has intensified, and the vector of development of social consciousness has been determined. Also, due to the weakening of totalitarian control, upgraded ideological and spiritual social norms. In the context of freer cultural development, artists use simple and clear images in various unusual contexts, often visualizing the determinants of the renewal of the collective consciousness. At the same time, the entry of domestic art into the world art arena meant the urgent need for rapid change in all spheres of art. This speed led to a number of complex problematic issues related to the difficult interaction of traditions and innovations, as well as folk and classical in contemporary art, determined the formation of a new series of images.


  • Через виявлені зміни традиційні образи візуалізуються за допомогою нової художньої мови, що не відповідає традиційним змістам художнього образу

  • In contemporary Ukrainian art, figurative language is produced simultaneously with the renewal of public consciousness and in certain aspects directly contributes to its formation

  • Figurative imagery using Ukrainian artists of this cultural period is the result solely of sensory experience, they absorb the institutionalization of social experience that allows them to reflect different levels of reality

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Персонажа — людини в кальсонах, вбраного в тоталітарний предмет одягу, який носили у ХХ ст. усі: від солдатів—до цивільних, від тюремників до в’язнів. Персонажа — людини в кальсонах, вбраного в тоталітарний предмет одягу, який носили у ХХ ст. Усі: від солдатів—до цивільних, від тюремників до в’язнів. Художник передає своєрідну спільність долі усього покоління людей ХХ ст. Вперше цей образ з’явився у творчості Сидоренка у 1996 р. «Амнезія», коли «переживаючи складний і багато в чому незавершений і до сьогодні процес національного самовизначення, Україна відкидала своє радянське минуле, прагнула викреслити його з колективної пам’яті», — зазначає сам художник [1]. Сьогодні цей Персонаж перебуває в пошуку необмежених можливостей свободи, він вільний, легкий та все ще актуальний.

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