
Purpose of the article is to consider the genesis and the logic of development of antique philosophy in accordance with conception of integral traditionalism. The methodology of the research is the combination of comparative, logical and historical methods. Scientific novelty. Integral traditionalism as a subject is poorly researched in Ukrainian cultural studies and philosophy. In domestic science A. Shchedrin, S. Vyshynskyi and O. Gutsulyak are involved in this topic, but the issue of the origins and fate of antique philosophy from the position of traditionalism is investigated for the first time. Conclusions. Understanding of antique philosophy by traditionalists is substantially different from its image in the secular culture of Modernity. Traditionalists perceive the main source of early Greek philosophy in the phenomenon of mysteries, not in the pursuit of rational thought to the liberation of the myth, which on their part receives a negative evaluation. Pythagorean doctrine as a rational (not imaginative) statement of the mystical experience, according to traditionalists, advocates the most accurate example of what was originally the antique philosophy.

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