
The article is devoted to the problem of poetic processing of a fairy tale on the example of Khakass and Udmurt literature of the mid XX ‒ early XXI centuries. In the author’s fairy tales by M. E. Kilchichakov („About how the chipmunk’s back became striped” and „About why Sarlaakh got angry”, etc.), the orientation of national culture to folklore is noted, the peculiarities of the Khakas’ attitude to nature and the author’s use of images of animals (bear, kedrovka bird, chipmunk, ferret, ermine) are revealed. The national author ‘s fairy tale of the beginning of the XXI century is also considered in the work of L. Ya. Malykh. The book „Adventures of the House of Boko and Moko”, in which the tendency to transform the genre of the author’s fairy tale and the aspiration of modern national literatures to universalization and convergence with the creative quest of Russian and world literature are clearly manifested.

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