
The article deals with the analysis of the peculiarities of the use of vocabulary and stylistic means in the literary texts of English literature, in particular presented in the stories Dublines by James Joyce. The main purpose of the article is to highlight the main vocabulary and stylistic tools used by the author and to analyze their pragmatic effect. The analysis of vocabulary and syntactic techniques has been carried out, which shows that these tools are widely used by the author in the texts of Dublines to create a pragmatic effect: giving the language emotional and expressive coloring, emphasizing and refining the readings, accentuating on important content details. It is noted that the use of different stylistic means is not uniform, which is explained by their peculiarities of expression of the conceptual sphere. Analyzing the frequency of such funds in the texts of the collection Dublines, we noted the active use of metaphor, epithet, hyperbole, personification, as well as capitalization and rhetorical questions in a comprehensive description of subjects, people, life situations. It is emphasized that the use of metaphor as a reinforcing element and a certain stylistic emphasis in the studied texts of the collection is of particular importance, which is explained by the author’s desire to transfer his own understanding of different situations and to achieve an aesthetic impression. The study of artistic language involves the allocation of a set of labeled elements in the text of a poetic work and the study of those relationships that are established by the linguistic units relevant to identifying characteristics of the work. Such a language analysis is conducted by allocating lexical groups of different volumes (semantic field, lexico-semantic group), which are characteristic of this work in terms of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. Stylistic analysis is not only broadens the theoretical horizons of a language learner but it also teaches the latter the skills of competent reading, on one hand, and proprieties of situational language usage, on the other. The stories Dublines are rich in various lexical-stylistic means, which have a positive effect on the verbal content of the work. Moreover, their use is appropriate for conducting descriptions, explanations, refinements, etc.


  • Наприклад: I felt that his little beady black eyes were examining me but I would not satisfy him by looking up from my plate (Joyce, 2017, c. 6)

  • Подібна прагматична функція й метафори у наступному фрагменті: As I did so I met the gaze of a pair of bottle-green eyes peering at me from under a twitching forehead (Joyce, 2017, р. 20)

  • У читача складається повна картина як зовнішніх, так і особистісних характеристик персонажів. He was a shabby stooped little drunkard with a white face and a white moustache and white eyebrows, pencilled above his little eyes, which were pink-veined and raw; and all day long he sat in the bailiff's room, waiting to be put on a job (Joyce, 2017, c. 50)

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ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ВЖИВАННЯ ЛІНГВО-СТИЛІСТИЧНИХ ЗАСОБІВ У ТЕКСТАХ ЗБІРКИ ДЖЕЙМСА ДЖОЙСА «ДУБЛІНЦІ» Стаття присвячена аналізу особливостей вживання лексико-стилістичних засобів у художніх текстах англійської літератури, зокрема представлених в оповіданнях збірки Джеймса Джойса «Дублінці». Здійснено аналіз лексикостилістичних засобів та синтактико-стилістичних прийомів, у результаті якого встановлено, що ці засоби широко застосовуються автором у текстах збірки «Дублінці» для створення певного прагматичного ефекту: надають мові емоційного та експресивного забарвлення, підкреслюють та уточнюють образи, акцентують увагу читача на важливий змістових деталях.

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