
The article analyzes the creative heritage of Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi, in order to realize the main purpose of family education – to form a real person, endowed with the best human qualities: high morality, healthy body and soul, strong mind.It is emphasized that only the humane person who builds his business, considering the interests of other people, can treat everyone the same as himself.The problem of education of a harmoniously developed personality is violated. Its main principle – humanism: Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi put personality in the centre of the educational system as the highest value.For centuries the traditions of family education and its main principles have been developed. In Ukrainian families children have always been taught that man is inseparable from his kind and nation. Therefore, in pedagogy there is a problem of traditions of family education and parenting. Teachers advise parents to pay special attention to childrens’ love and gratitude.V. Sukhomlynskyi built his educational system on the principles of ethno-pedagogy, which is why the image of the mother took a significant place in his pedagogical achievements. He considered the family as the primary focus of society and at the same time the main institute of education. After all, respect for the child is manifested in everything: it is the intonation of the voice, the form of appeal, order, request, advice, sympathy.Rebuilding the national education system increases the demands on the individual, on his spiritual values, moral qualities, level of education, culture. It has been found that the stratification of society, the increase in the number of children with behavioral abnormalities, the technogenic nature of development only reinforce the role of the family in education. Changes in public landmarks, social roles where parents and educators, who until recently were the main source of information, are inferior to the media. There is a noticeable gap between those ideals that are instilled in the child by the parents, the school, the society, and those offered by society.It is emphasized that V. Sukhomlynskyi’s creative heritage once again convinces us of the expediency of subtle pedagogical approaches to the formation of the personality of each student. Nowadays, in the period of active search for effective methods of personal education, Vasyl Alexandrovich’s practical activity is a reliable help in solving these important tasks.

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