
The article deals with the problem of forming a linguistic personality of foreign medical students. The article highlights the problem of forming the language personality of a foreign medical education seeker in the context of changes in the world and domestic educational systems. The authors analyze the relevance and appropriateness of using mobile technologies in Ukrainian language classes as a foreign language, taking into account the modern development of society, organizational and technological foundations of studying the subject «Ukrainian as a Foreign Language». Considering the trend of transition of users from the operation of desktop personal computers to more mobile portable devices (tablets, smartphones) and based on the problems of organizing the educational process, the assumption of the effectiveness and relevance of mobile technology in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Based on the analysis of the existing definitions of the term "mobile learning" the interpretation was offered, in which mobile devices are the means to achieve didactic objectives. The potential of the use of mobile technologies in education is analysed, as well as the factors that complicate their applications by teachers are given. The domestic experience of using mobile devices for educational purposes is considered. The authors argue that there are many opportunities to transfer information materials to the learner. Options for using mobile learning in Ukrainian as a foreign language classes are shown. The article proposes the use of smartphones when performing practical tasks; target platforms in the study of topics; independent language acquisition; when repeating the material in extracurricular time. The advantages of using mobile devices as convenient tools for accessing cloud services to organize joint activities of students are considered.

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