
Formulation of the problem. A modern specialist with a higher education, in addition to the required level of professionalism, should be able to negotiate, prevent and resolve conflicts, find an approach to each employee, and the basis for this should be his ability to have a high level of communication culture (the required level of communicative competence). All this has a corresponding effect on the future professional activity and competitiveness of graduates of higher education institutions. The purpose of the article is: determine the theoretical aspects of the formation of a culture of communication and substantiate the need for the formation and development of a culture of communication of future specialists with higher education. Research methods: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and educational and methodological sources of information, as well as legal acts on professional communication and communicative competence of higher education applicants – to determine the level of attention to the problem of communication culture of higher education applicants in the context of the formation of communicative competence in higher education institutions and creation of a theoretical basis for the study; empirical – testing students of different specialties in order to identify the real level of communication culture; conducting conversations with students and scientific and pedagogical workers on the topic of research. The main results of the study. The personal culture of communication of a specialist with higher education is a kind of component of his image and competence, regardless of age, who he is by profession, and what position he holds. Based on the fact that the culture of communication is mandatory in the general cultural and practical plane of training future specialists with higher education, the list of competencies that should be formed in a graduate of a higher education institution was revised in accordance with the methodological recommendations for the development of higher education standards. Based on this, a generalized list of competencies is given, in which communicative competencies are identified that have a direct connection with the culture of professional communication. In the course of the study, an anonymous survey of students was conducted on the basis of three tests: «Are you prone to empathic listening?», M. Snyder's test: «Can you listen?» and «Your communication style» to determine the importance of forming and developing a culture of communication among students. Processing of test results showed that 10% of students are aggressive and unbalanced, often being excessively cruel towards other people; 30% are overly peaceful, due to lack of self-confidence; 60% are moderately aggressive. Conclusions. The level of communication culture of future specialists with higher education is insufficient and does not meet the stated requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This is especially true for future specialists with higher education in the «person-to-person» system, because their further activities are based directly on communication. A high level of communication culture is a competence that is relevant and insufficient for many, which must be formed and developed along with special (professional, subject) competencies.

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