
The article is devoted to the analysis of awareness in life scripts based on verbalization of life experience by the subject in the process of narrative interview. A narrative approach aims to make visible phenomena which has already shaped our identity. The purpose of the article is research of narrative psychology opportunities for understanding by the individual the existing life scenario and possibilities of its freeing and expanding, building an autonomous life path, full of responsibility and creativity. It has been pointed out that according to the representatives of the transactional analysis theory the life scenario influences the life path of the personality.
 The comedy, the victory of life over death, romance, idealization of the past and traditions; tragedy, that shows the defeat of the hero and his expulsion from the society; irony which is to question all previous narrative structures were distinguished as the narrative structures of personality. It has been discussed that the study of the life scenario has its difficulties and limitations. The use of narrative interviewing creates wide opportunities for a deep understanding of the specifics of the individual’s life scenario. The use of this method allows to determine the scriptural beliefs of the person, the further analysis of which is a prerequisite for understanding and correcting the scripted life path.

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