
The article deals with the functioning of small architectural forms names as a vocabulary segment of the traditional rural construction of the boyko’s dialects. Modernization of social life, changes in the spiritual and material culture are the determinative extralinguistic factors, the consequence of which is the change of the realities of construction and the loss of their names in the minds of the speakers. Therefore, the study of constructional vocabulary helps to fix the building traditions and naming of construction realities, which are gradually lost by the people. The objective of our investigation is to carry out a lexical-semantic analysis of small architectural forms names as a segment of the thematic vocabulary group of traditional construction in boyko’s dialects. The objective is to solve such problems: to study the names etymology and the motivation, to identify lexical parallels in other Ukrainian language dialects, to establish the most common methods of nomination. The object of the study is a lexical-semantic subgroup of names of small architectural forms in boyko’s dialects. The subject of the study is semantics and etymology of the names of small architectural forms. In the study is used descriptive, comparative methods and method of etymological analysis. To small architectural forms in the boyko’s dialects we refer povitka dlya drov (a fireplace for the firewood), povitka dlya sina (a hay fortune on the four pillars), wells, fences. To denote the fireplace, we fix the names of ǀshopa, |sh'ipka, |sh'ipka na drova, dryǀv'itn'a, dreǀvutn'a, droǀv'itna, drovoǀrubn'a, droǀvarn'a. Hayshed in the four pillars, corn and others speakers nominate stoǀdola, oboǀrih and variants. To denote a deep pit, protected by tsyamrynas, in order to extract water from aquifers of earth in the investigated dialects, leksems k'irǀnits'a and its variants, kololǀd'az', s|tudn'a and its variants function. To denote the fence, we fix the names of pl'it, pletar and variants, pleǀtenyk, parǀkan, tyn, and ǀl'isa. Ethnographic works fix the complex names, indicating the material of the pl'it, kladenyi veryn'om, pl'it z drapachky, pl'it z rapachky, pl'it z zubacha. Also, we distinguish the lexical-semantic microgroups of names of constructive parts of small architectural forms. An analysis of small architectural forms names in boyko’s dialects has made it possible to find that a significant part of the names demonstrate formal variability. The most productive ways of creating the small architectural forms names are affixation, semantic derivation, analytical nomination and borrowing from other languages. Most of the recorded names are widespread in other dialects of the Ukrainian language, and also function in the literary language. The question of the systematic description of the constructional vocabulary of the boyko’s dialects as a segment of the lexical composition of the speech needs further careful examination.

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