
Against the backdrop of contemporary turbulence and ambiguities, the multi-dimensional aspect of the values of charismatic leadership has been studied as a socioculutural and ethnocultural phenomenon. It has been claimed that the latest information and communication technologies have had a substantial impact on that phenomenon. The advancement of those technologies has made it possible to change the political and psychological atmosphere of a country via the readujustment of the image of the politician. Thus, the improvement of political technologies has led to the qualitatively new and specially constructed “false charisma” that we deal with now. Our starting point is that the establishment of the multi-dimensional values of charismatic leadership functions like a game. Having said that, the multidimensional values of the formation of charismatic leadership have been analyzed emphasizing the anthropological and civilizational approaches within the realm of comparative politics. According to the author, this approach will create an opportunity to generalize interdisciplinary findings constructing a holistic image of the sociopolitical transformation of the subject matter.

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