
Conducting scientific research in the field of medicine, as in other areas of science, involves the need to comply with various standards and rules. Making various kinds of mistakes at the stage of planning or implementation of scientific research may lead to the fact that the research needs to be conducted again, and the existing results are unsuitable for publication, and even more so for the defense of a dissertation. The purpose of this article is to review the most common mistakes that researchers make at the stage of planning or implementing medical research. The article discusses the errors associated with the wrong definition and poor study design, incorrect formulation of the goals and objectives of the research, defects, sampling research and work with the generated databases, as well as errors made in a statistical analysis of the data. The material presented in the article does not claim to be an exhaustive list of possible mistakes that can be made during research. This material is a summary of the authors ' experience in reviewing and evaluating various types of scientific research. Taking into account the experience described in this article will prevent potential errors in medical research and ensure better planning and implementation of scientific research in the field of medicine.

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