
The need to move to the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development in Ukraine is related to the European integration aspirations and the need to fulfill international obligations. Quality education is one of the most powerful and proven means of sustainable development of the national economy. Education is the basis of progress in every country. The development of the national economy depends on qualified and experienced professionals, which requires the use of new approaches and teaching methods. All this requires additional costs to ensure the educational process, updating its logistics, and so on. Therefore, the article analyzes current trends in educational and scientific activities; a comparison of targets and indicators specified for sustainable development with actual data in order to determine the degree of their achievement. The dynamics of the level of technological development of the country from the knowledge intensity of GDP is considered. Over the last decade, the distribution of costs for research and development shows that more than 50% of funds are spent on scientific and technical (experimental) developments, and on fundamental and applied about 23% each. Along with the decrease in the scientific intensity of Ukraine's GDP, there is a reduction in the number of scientific institutions and the number of researchers with a degree. The system of innovations and research in Ukraine is mainly represented by the state scientific sphere, in business only 15.8% of companies consider themselves to be innovative enterprises. The main expenditures on innovation were the purchase of machinery, equipment and software, on research and development in 2019, companies spent only 0.07% of GDP. In addition, the article considers the place of Ukraine in international rankings, which allow you to track trends, outline problems and develop prospects for the future. The analysis of the goals of sustainable development and the actual data revealed the need to specify the tasks and indicators that will further allow a more systematic and objective analysis of the state of educationn.Education issues are reflected in the goals of sustainable development, which are defined both globally and nationally. Achieving the goal of quality and inclusive education is a key component in the formation of human capital, which, in turn, becomes crucial in national competition. Therefore, this article analyzes the costs associated with the implementation of scientific research, shows the dynamics of the number of employees with a scientific degree who are involved in the implementation of scientific research. In order to assess the degree of achievement of targets and indicators specified for sustainable development in relation to education, they were compared with actual data. In addition, the article considers the place of Ukraine in international rankings compiled by international organizations, which allow you to track trends, outline problems and develop prospects for the future. The analysis showed that there is an urgent need to specify the tasks by expanding or replacing existing indicators that will allow a more systematic and objective analysis of the current state of education in relation to the goals of sustainable development.

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