
Mental health and mental well-being of the population are the most important prerequisites for a good quality of life. A special position in the healthcare of the Russian Federation is occupied by the protection of the health of the younger generation, therefore, in the implementation of national projects, much attention is paid to the development of infrastructure for providing multiprofessional medical care to children and the prevention of mental and somatic diseases.Purpose. Description of the model of saving the mental health of the adolescent population, implemented in the city of Kirov (model). The presented materials reflect the advantages and novelty of the model organized with the involvement of the resources of related departments for the implementation of psychological education and continuous prevention with a risk group in schools, routing of persons with prenosological have shown the effectiveness of diagnostics using psycho-diagnostic screening to identify RISK GROUPS and PHENOMENOLOGICAL MENTAL STATES for further preventive work and medical and psychological assistance aimed at preventing the development of clinically pronounced MENTAL DISORDERS with impaired social adaptation.A detailed description of the stages of the model is presented, in which emphasis is placed on preventive work with the risk group in general education schools and medical, psychological and social care for persons with prenosological conditions in pediatric medical institutions, which reduces stigmatizing aspects and increases accessibility.Step-by-step implementation of measures involving administrative and human resources of departments providing preventive care and medical and psychosocial assistance to adolescents allows you to model and adapt the structure without attracting additional economic costs, which shows the versatility and functionality of the model.

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