
The article is devoted to solving the urgent problem of increasing the efficiency of methods for calculating the electric field. A meshless method for calculating disturbed stationary electric fields is proposed, based on the use of point electric moments. In this case, the accuracy of the calculation of the potential increases and the numerical instability caused by the error in the difference between close values when calculating the potential of the dipole is excluded. Replacing sources with distributed parameters is performed by a set of point sources. This makes it possible to exclude the operations of integration over the volume and surface, replacing them by summing the contributions of the moments. The absence of a grid significantly reduces the total number of un-knowns. The application of the method is shown by examples. The electric fields disturbed by the introduction of a dielectric cylinder, a conducting cylinder and a conducting rod of rectangular cross-section into a uniform field are calculated. The results obtained show the high efficiency of the developed method.

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