
Annotation Purpose. Optimization terms of repair and maintenance works due to monitoring of the technical condition in mobile agricultural machinery on the basis statistical simulation using of its technical resource. Methods. System analysis and methods for statistical processing results of operational reliability tractors in experimental farms on NAAS. For the development statistical simulation models, discrete-event simulation, “Any Logic” simulation environment is provided. Results. The intensity using of mobile agricultural machinery during the year by the amount of fuel consumption is established, which makes it possible to plan the terms and scope of repair and maintenance works during the period of minimum load of equipment. The advantages strategy of adaptive maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery in comparison with the planning and warning system, which consist in determining the periods of repair and maintenance work, taking into account the intensity using mobile equipment and residual resource, which is basis for the development and implementation of operational management plans for its technical. Prerequisites for statistical simulation of the process of using the technical resource of mobile equipment are highlighted; the stages of establishment of its residual resource and appointment of terms of repair and maintenance works are defined. Conclusions. The economic effect on the results of research will be to monitor the technical state of mobile equipment, minimization of downtime for technical reasons during intense field work and effective use of technical resources maintaining a crop of potential losses by 8–10% due to the timely implementation processes. Keywords: mobile technology, adaptive repair strategy, initial data, modeling process, modeling algorithm, statistical simulation model, technical condition, residual life, terms of repair works.

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