
Annotation Purpose. Improving the efficiency of the use mobile agricultural machinery by substantiating the rational terms of its maintenance and repair, taking into account changes in its technical condition from seasonal loading, natural-production and agrometeorological conditions of use. Methods. System analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, system-factor and system-event approaches, graphic, statistical. Results. The conceptual provisions of strategy adaptive maintenance and repair mobile agricultural machinery are revealed, as well as its advantages over the known approaches to the organization of repair and maintenance works are marked. The regularities of seasonal loading of mobile agricultural machinery in farms of different natural-production zones of Ukraine analyzed. A generalized algorithm of the strategy of adaptive maintenance and repair of mobile agricultural machinery has been developed. Conclusions 1. It’s established that the main factors that determine the need for maintenance and repair of equipment are its residual life and operating time, and the factors that determine the possible periods of maintenance and repair of equipment – natural-production and agrometeorological characteristics of the agricultural producer. Predicting the impact of these factors on the processes of using mobile agricultural machinery is the basis for justifying the rational timing of its maintenance and repair. 2. The formation of strategy adaptive maintenance and repair of mobile agricultural machinery based on statistical simulation of the processes of seasonal use of machinery by agricultural producers. Such a model should take into account the natural-production characteristics of the agricultural producer, the characteristics of its technical support, agrometeorological conditions and generate technical and economic indicators of many possible options for adaptive plans for seasonal maintenance and repair of each unit. 3. It’s established that the criterion for substantiation of a rational seasonal adaptive plan for maintenance and repair of mobile agricultural machinery is the minimum total cost of implementing the relevant strategy. The total cost of funds should take into account the cost of maintenance and repair of machinery, the cost of potential crop losses caused by late performance of mechanized agricultural work machinery due to its incapacity, and cost due to underutilization of technical resources. Keywords: rational terms, maintenance, repair, algorithm, strategy, mobile agricultural machinery.

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