
The article is devoted to improving the quality of highly qualified scientific personnel training in graduate school. It is indicated that necessity of forming the postgraduates’ readiness for innovative activity has become relevant due to the transformation of sociocultural values, exacerbation of globalization processes, the dominance of the innovative way of developing the society. It is the most important indicator of their preparation for future professional scientific and pedagogical activity. Postgraduate’s readiness for innovation activity is considered as a future specialist personal education. It characterizes is ability to professional self-development, practical use of obtained scientific results and quick adaptation to the new professional requirements, taking into account the innovative way of economic development and competitive conditions of the modern labor market. The article identifies the main ways to improve the quality of training highly qualified scientific personnel (strengthening the requirements for the selection of candidates which enter the graduate school, the appointment of scientific advisors, preparation of scientific and educational programs for doctors of philosophy based on the educational fundamentalization, interdisciplinarity, innovation, scientific and practical orientation). It is also important to create special scientific educational environment in the institution of higher education. It provides for the informatization of scientific educational process, organization of joint educational research and development centers, opportunities for the academic mobility and individualization of postgraduate training.

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