
The article reveals the readiness of the administration, pedagogical teams of experimental institutions of general secondary education, and scientific-pedagogical workers of regional institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education for the implementation of innovative activities within the framework of the implementation of an innovative educational project at the national level on the topic «Organizational-pedagogical conditions for the functioning and development of a safe school in wartime/post-war period» (2023–2027). The study of the readiness of educators and researchers for innovative activities is considered as one of the important tools for obtaining more effective results in the implementation of the innovative educational project.
 The necessity of a comprehensive approach is substantiated, which positively influences the study of the readiness of project participants for innovative activities. Personal factors related to the competencies of the direct executors of the innovative educational project – teachers and scientific-pedagogical workers, heads of general secondary education institutions – are highlighted.
 The article reveals the content of the concepts «readiness», «innovative activity», «teacher's readiness for innovative activity». Criteria, indicators, and levels of teachers' readiness for innovative activities are determined. Attention is drawn to the fact that innovative activity in the modern educational environment requires not only high professional qualities from the teacher but also the ability to effectively use tools and resources to achieve specific pedagogical goals.

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