
In this paper, the germanium-vacancy (GeV) in diamond produced by 300 keV Ge ion implantation and subsequent annealing, were investigated by Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, and meanwhile the different ion injection models were given by the Stopping and the Rang of Ions in Matter (SRIM) simulation. Results showed that the Raman peak of diamond shifted to the lower wavenumber after Ge ion implantation, indicating the ion implantation caused amorphous graphitization in the crystal that generated the local tensile stress. Most of the amorphous graphitization was eliminated at an annealing temperature of 300–700 °C by evidence of the variation of ID/IG value. When the annealing temperature was higher than 700 °C, the vacancy migrate a longer distance to find Ge ions, then convert Ge ions into GeV centers, and thus an interesting zero phonon line (ZPL) at 602.8 nm appeared which was associated with GeV center.

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