
Purpose: This study addressed discipline across electronic means as one of the new alternatives for traditional discipline, where the whole world is gradually transforming towards the idea of electronic public facilities and electronic governments instead of the traditional methods of administration. Indeed, the various administrations in several occasions were forced to adopt this change, especially during corona pandemic, where this was no longer a matter of luxury or administrative need. Since discipline is viewed as one of the important and sensitive administrative decisions, it is, obviously, governed by several guarantees. In this vein, the in-presence nature during interrogation, confrontation and reviewing the interrogation file are important guarantees that raise many questions concerning the discipline that is based on modern technological means. This study addressed the extent to which those procedures are valid in case they are performed via the internet. Design/methodology/approach: The study used the analytical critical descriptive approach. Findings: Indeed, a legislative gap was noticed in this issue during distance work. Therefore, there should be a comprehensive legal organization for electronic discipline in a similar way to most legislations that regulated distance litigation as well as using the visual and audio electronic means during the court proceedings. Research, Practical & Social implications: the study sheds light on the evolving landscape of discipline in the digital era and calls for a careful consideration of legal, practical, and social implications to ensure a smooth and just transition to electronic means of disciplinary decision-making. Originality/value: The insights provided by this research contribute to a better understanding of the challenges posed by electronic disciplinary decision-making, calling for a balanced approach that ensures both efficacy and justice in the changing administrative landscape.

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