
In light of the interpretatlve nature of discourse analysis and within the context of two advertisements of soap - Gessy , dated 1942, and Lux Luxo , dated March 2003 - the main purpose of the present article is to analyse how the discursive practices of advertising discourse allow for the reproduction and maintenance of certain ideological assumptions, such as the ones related to consumerism and gender-based issues. DOI: 10.28998/0103-6858.2007v2n40p15-26


  • Resumo:k luz da natureza Interpretativa da análise do discurso e dentro do contexto específico dedoisanúnciosde sabonete-Gessy, de 1942,e Lux Luxa.de 2003-o principal objetivo do presenteartigo é analisar asformasatravés das quais as práticas discursivas do discurso publidtário reproduzem e perpetuam determinadas Ideologias, tais como aquelas relacionadas às questões de consumo e de gênero

  • Palavras-Chave.publicidade; ideologia;gênero, Introduction Among ali transformations that society has experienced over the last decades, one has deserved a more careful look at due to its profound influence on societal behaviour:the role ofadvertising in modem society

  • Advertising has been playing a fundamental role in the construction and maintenance ofvalues and beliefs, enhancing the creation of a new ideology based on the culture of consumerism

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Danielle Barbosa Lins de Almeida

Doutora em Letras(Língua Inglesa e Literatura Correspondente)pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina(UFSC)e professora adjunta do Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas (DLEM)do Centrode Ciências Humanas,Letras e Artes(CCHLA)da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). 33) co-occur chrough discourse, usually without the consumer's awareness Both coercion and consent, according to Fairclough(1989),happen by means ofideological power in ways which make certain practices, mainly originated from the'dominant bloc'-formed by those who compose "an alliance ofcapitalists and others who see their interests as tied to capital" The discussion about the manipulative character of media discourse can,,take a further path by associating it with three ofthe mechanisms proposed by Fairclough(ibid.)to fuller understand how power relations are exercised in discourse This happens,as he suggests, by means of three distinct processes:(1) first, he says, "practices and discourse types are universally followed and necessarily accepted because no alternative seems conceivable(...)"(p.75);(2)second,a mechanism which he designares as 'inculcation , which attempts at naturalising"partial and interested practices to facilitate the exercise of power"(ibid.) by power-holders occurs; (3)third.whatFairclough(1989)calls'communication', which is the final mechanism that leads to "rational communication and debate" (ibid.) happens. From the three mechanisms,Fairclough (ibid.)supports,the most 'salient'one is/the"struggle between communication and inculcation" (ibid.)

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Novo Lux Gllcerliia
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