
In order to solve the main task of learning on the lessons of Russian and Tatar literatures, associated with the formation of the reader’s culture as a creative thinking person, it is necessary to revise the conceptual strategies of the literary education. This meets the urgent needs of studying the works of one national literature in the context of comparison with the other one. The main aim of the article is to identify epistemological potential of the interliterary dialogue as a concept of literary comparative study and consider its projection into the teaching of the Russian literature in schools with non-Russian language of teaching, based on “The Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” of N.V. Gogol and poems “Shurale” and “The Water maid” of G. Tukay. The study of works of one literature in the context of comparison with the other one expands the space of the reader’s perception. The meaning of a literary work makes the context of the national literature a real problem. The educational activity is aimed at understanding principles and methods of artistic forms of understanding reality: time and space images, plot schemes and motifs, national and universal in the characters, etc. Finding these meanings helps the reader to interpret the resulting aesthetic information adequately. “Alien” culture is perceived as “the other”. Student’s consciousness captures the diversity of artistic principles and the world and human image’s forms. Thus, the study of different types of dialogical relations arising between the works of Russian and native (Tatar) literatures, fundamentally changes the nature of the students’ cognitive activity.

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