
The article is devoted to the culturological approach in the study of M. Prishvin’s works in the lessons of Russian (native) literature in the middle classes of secondary schools. In school, the individual works on natural history by M. Prishvin are studied in elementary school and in grades 5-6 of secondary schools; however, in literature lessons, students do not receive a holistic view of the life and work of the outstanding writer-philosopher of the twentieth century; this is evidenced by the analytical review of text-books presented in the article. When studying M. Prishvin’s work, the main focus is on the genre features of individual works included in the school curriculum, the images of characters, national and cultural values, as well as the beauty of Central Russian nature. His major work, studied at school, is the true story “The Sun’s Storehouse”, although the writer’s oeuvre also includes the novels “Koshcheev’s Chain”, “The Sovereign’s Road”, the philosophical story “The Tale of Our Time” and the diaries of 1905-1954. The implementation of the culturological approach in the lessons of literature and Russian (native) literature helps students to consider the writer’s work in the context of Russian culture, to get acquainted with syncretic genres: a fairy tale, a fairy tale novel, a poem in prose, to feel the metaphorical nature M. Prishvin’s prose language. A holistic study of M. Prishvin’s works allows students to identify the relationship of his works with the works of A. Gorky, A. Blok, A. Platonov, as well as with Russian literature of the 19th century. Thus, the use of the culturological approach is necessary for the development of students’ skills of analyzing literary works and for the perception of M. Prishvin in a broad cultural context, it fosters their appreciation of the beauty of nature, love for their Motherland, which begins with the love for one’s native land.

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